Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Resolutions for Artists.
General Tips for Resolutions:
A couple of key things here. One: Make your goals specific and attainable. For example don't say "I'm going to get my work out there," instead make a specific goal: "I'm going to get into a gallery this year." or "I am going to create a professional web page" You can even make this easier on yourself by coming up with a plan. "I will use January to research other artist websites I like for inspiration, I will photograph my work for my web page by February, etc..."
Two: WRITE IT DOWN, and put it somewhere you will see it everyday. Putting your resolution in writing makes it more concrete, and posting it so you see it everyday serves as a constant reminder.
Three: If you fall off, get back on the horse. If you have a slip on your goal or take time away from it, it's OK - as long as you dust yourself off and get back on track. Don't make excuses you're only lying to yourself, instead of justifying things to your self like "I didn't do this because..." just get back into the swing.
Resolutions for Artists:
1. Try a new medium.
- Maybe you have never used watercolors, maybe you would like to learn how to screen print. Keep your options open, in 2008 I entered a sidewalk chalk contest without having any real experience with chalk or pastels. I have probably received more publicity and recognition locally from trying this new medium than any other single thing I did that year. You just never know.
2. Get better acquainted with the Business of Art.
- Read a book on the business of art, attend a seminar, learn from other artists. A successful artist needs to learn to divide their time between business and art. You can't focus solely on art and expect that the business will fall into place vice versa, you can't have a business with out good at to support it.
3. Keep a sketch book/diary.
- even if you can't dedicate as much time as you'd like to art make sure to at least do a little something daily. Just keep your talents fresh, creativity is like a muscle, to keep it strong you have to work it out.
4. I will help other artists.
- one word: KARMA. Help other artists by teaching a technique you have mastered, or sharing a business tip that has worked for you. This can be done as simple as post something that you have learned and can pass along on your website or blog, or can be a more hands on approach.
5. I will be "An Artist"
- This sounds simple, but typically if you meet someone and they ask what you do, what is your answer. Do you say, "I work at so-and-so," or do you tell them (proudly) that you are an artist. Have business cards ready to back your clam. You don't have to start off with the fanciest of cards. I started out with cards make on Microsoft word that were printed on business card stock from the local office supply store. Just make sure they look professional. Include your contact info, website or blog (even if its just a Myspace account with examples of your art on it) and an example of your work.
Whatever your resolutions are, don't be afraid to try new thinks and push your own boundaries. remember "Armatures built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic."
Happy New Year!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Repainting the Beach Cruiser. Part III - The Final Touches
I started out with the flames working from dark blue to light blue to white with a little green added in.

Next I roughed out the skeleton, blending yellow and white to make a creamy color.

Once the color was done I did the outline work with a bold black paint pen.

Then I went back in with fine and extra fine black paint pens to create variations inline depth and add detail.

For the finishing touch I went in with a xtra fine white paint pen to add the highlights. With the painting complete, I strung the bike back up in the shed. I made sure to wipe everything down with a lint free rag to remove the dust. Then I sprayed the bike with a clear coat. I used Rustolium Glossy clear coat. * Be sure to test your clear coat* This was my firs time using the Rustolium Clear coat and it made a weird crackeling effect on the paint pens. It actually looks really cool, but it wasn't expected and could have been worse. After using multiple coats of clear coat and letting it dry I lightly wet sanded it all with a 600 grit sandpaper to make sure it was nice and smooth. Then I removed all the tape and rea assembled everything, using the photos I took during the disassembly as refrence.
Here's the finished bike:
Keep on keeping on,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Repainting the Beach Cruiser. Part II - The Chain Cover
First I traced the shape onto tracing paper so I could play with a few different designs.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Repainting the Beach Cruiser. Part I

remove all stickers and clean it up

Find a good area to paint and string it up, remember to think about over spray.
Next I used acetone to clean the entire surface of the bike, wear gloves for this, and be sure not to touch the bike after you've cleaned it.
I love the smell of Acetone in the morning
Finally I was ready to spray!

Rock N Roll!
Since the bike was 2 toned I decided to go ahead and do a white primer coat to add durability and to make sure the final coat came out nice and even. I used Rustolium primer.

Multiple light coats of primer work best
primed up and ready for paint
After the primer dried off, I used a Rustiolum metallic black paint to coat the entire bike, again using multiple light coats.back in black

Now I ready to get crazy with the paint job!
Daily Doodlez #30
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Daily Doodlez #22

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Daily Doodlez #18 - #20